Europe-wide free shipping over 300 €

§1 Dedinitions

1. Store - an online store located on the domain;
2. Seller - Joanna Dziurman running a business under the name Joanna Dziurman, NIP 6922424208, REGON 362597552;
3. Product, Products - all products offered by the Seller for sale in the Store;
4. Customer - a person using the Store;
5. User - a person using the Store;
6. Regulations - these regulations, which are a set of rules for using the Store
and making purchases of Products;
7. Contract - a sales contract concluded by and between the Customer and the Seller via the Store. To the above the sales contract, the rules resulting from the Regulations apply.


1. The condition for starting to use the Store is to read these Regulations and accept them.
2. By placing an order, the Customer agrees to use the Store in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, in the wording applicable on the date of placing the order.
3. Failure to accept the provisions of these Regulations prevents the use of the Store and the purchase of Products offered by the Seller.
4. The Customer's personal data is processed by the Seller in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
5. All Products offered for sale are new and unused.


1. The Customer concludes the Sales Agreement by placing an order on the Store's website. The sales contract is concluded between the Customer and the Seller. The Regulations constitute a template of the Agreement.
2. The sales process consists of the following steps: (I) adding Products to the basket, (II) going to the checkout, (III) confirming the content of the placed order, (IV) payment, (V) verifying the order, (VI) confirming the acceptance of the order for execution (conclusion of the Sales Agreement), (VII) delivery.
3. In order to place an order and go through the ordering process, you must:

1. Select Products from the available offer, their colors, sizes and quantities,
2. On the Store page displaying a given Product, click the "add to cart" button,
3. Click the "go to checkout" button,
4. Verify the list of ordered Products,
5. Indicate contact details,
6.Choose a delivery method and accept its cost,
7. Choose a payment method,

8. Confirm the order by clicking the "place order" button.

4. Until the selection of Products is confirmed with the "place order" button, the Customer has the option of making changes to the Products, contact details for the delivery of Products, delivery method, payment method, as well as the form of purchase confirmation, i.e. a receipt or VAT invoice (later change in this respect is not possible, e.g. issuing an invoice instead of a receipt or issuing an invoice correction not required under the provisions of financial law, including a change in the buyer's data on the invoice, in particular as a result of resale).
5. Pressing the "place an order" button is tantamount to placing an order with the content indicated by the Customer.
6. The content of the order along with information about the costs of the Product and delivery will be displayed on the Store's website.
7. After placing the order, the Customer immediately makes the payment in accordance with the selected payment method. From the moment of placing the order, the Customer has ten minutes to make the payment. After this time, the order is automatically canceled.

8. After paying for the order, a message will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer in the order containing summary information about the order, i.e. type of Products, order value, selected delivery method and its cost, payment method and Customer's contact details.
9. After the payment is credited by the Store, the Seller processes the Customer's order in order to verify it. After successful verification of the order, the Seller accepts the order for execution. The customer receives an electronic confirmation of acceptance of his order for execution (so-called "Confirmation of acceptance of the order") to the e-mail address provided by him. The delivery time is up to 14 working days from the moment of posting the payment.
10. Orders can be placed around the clock, on all days of the week. Orders placed on non-working days will be processed on the first working day following the day on which the order was placed.
11. The condition for placing and completing the order is that the Customer provides the data necessary for the delivery of the Product, as well as accepting the content of the Regulations.
12. Until the confirmation of acceptance of the order is received from the Store, the Customer has the right to cancel the order. For this purpose, the Customer should immediately contact the Store via e-mail and inform the Store about the cancellation of the order.
13. Confirmation of the order is the Seller's decision. The Seller reserves the right to refuse to accept an order placed by the Customer for execution, in particular in the case where:

1. The customer placed an order in the conditions referred to in paragraph 15 below;
2. The Customer's contact details are incomplete or incorrect;
3. The payment will not be authorized in the electronic payment system selected during the ordering process; or
4. The payment was not made within the required time;
5. The product is out of stock.

14. In the event of not accepting the order and refusing to execute it, the Customer will not receive the confirmation referred to in paragraph 9 above. In addition, the Customer will receive an e-mail from the Store informing him that the offer has not been accepted, the sales contract has not been concluded and the order has been cancelled.


1. The price of a given Product given on the Store's website is binding for the parties from the moment the order is placed and the Customer receives from the Seller confirmation of acceptance of the order for execution, regardless of its subsequent changes in the Store.
2. The method of payment for the Products is chosen by the Customer when placing the order. The store offers payment methods:
1.Fast transfers
2. Payment cards:
* Visa Electron
*MasterCard Electronic
* Maestro
3. In our store, payments are handled by Blue Media S.A. based in Sopot, ul. Haffnera 6, postal code: 81-717, KRS: 0000320590.

4. PayU

5. PayPal


1. The store offers a delivery method:
1. Courier shipment to the address indicated by the Customer.
2. The execution of the order begins after the funds are credited to the Seller's bank account, the sales price and shipping costs paid by the Customer, and the Seller successfully verifies the order.
3. The Customer is informed about the cost of delivery of the Products during the ordering process. The Customer covers the cost of delivery of the Product to the correspondence address indicated by him.
4. At the time of shipment of the order, the Customer will receive an e-mail confirmation of sending the shipment with the order to the e-mail address provided by him.
5. In exceptional situations, in particular when there may be a delay in the delivery of the Product, the time of order fulfillment is additionally confirmed by an employee of the Store via e-mail or telephone.
6. The products are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer in the order by courier.
7. Estimated delivery time for domestic orders is 1-2 business days from the day following the shipment. The elivery time carried out by an external company may be extended for reasons beyond the Seller's control.
8. Upon receipt of the shipment delivered by the courier, the Customer should carefully check the completeness of the contents of the shipment, the condition of the outer packaging and the condition of the ordered Product in his presence. In the event of damage to the shipment, the Customer should draw up a damage report together with the courier, in two identical copies signed by the Customer and the courier.



1. The Customer may withdraw from the Agreement within 14 (fourteen) calendar days (starting from the day following delivery of the order), subject to section 2 below, without giving any reason, subject to sec. 3-5 below.
2. The Customer is not entitled to the above Right of withdrawal from the concluded Agreement in relation to Agreements in which the subject of the service is a product manufactured according to the Customer's specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.
3. Products can be returned only after prior contact with our store, please do not return the products without informing us about it.
4. Courier shipment or package at the Customer's expense to the following address: ul. Lipska 30/5, 03-908 Warsaw
5. The Seller returns to the Customer the equivalent of the Product price.
6. The Customer withdraws from the Agreement by submitting a written declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement to the Seller.
7. To comply with the 14-day period specified in section 1 above, a statement should be sent before its expiry together with the returned Product.
8. If the Customer withdraws from the Agreement in the indicated form and time, the Agreement is considered not concluded.

9. After withdrawing from the Agreement, the Customer is obliged to return the Product unused, clean, undamaged to the Seller immediately, but not later than 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the Agreement.
10. The Seller immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal from the contract and delivery of the returned Product to the Seller, returns the price for the Product to the Customer using the same method of payment as used by the Customer (in the case of payment by credit card, the payment will be refunded on the same card). The Seller may withhold the payment of funds within the indicated period until the returned Product is delivered to him.
11. The above rules apply accordingly to Customers from the European Union and from outside the European Union. A customer from outside the European Union is required to complete a customs declaration and clearly indicate that the shipment concerns the return of goods. The customs clearance card and invoice should match the value and currency and be attached to the package marked as returned.


1. The Seller is obliged to provide the Customer with a Product without defects. The Seller is liable to the Customer who is a consumer for non-compliance of the Product with the Agreement (Product defects).

2. The warranty period is 2 years.
3. The customer may file a complaint under the warranty for defects (Article 556 et seq. of the Civil Code of April 1, 1964 (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93, as amended). As part of the complaint, the Customer may request one of four actions:
1. Exchange of the Product for a new one,
2. Repair of the Product by the Seller,
3. Lowering the price of the Product
4. Withdrawal from the contract if the defect of the Product is significant.
5. The choice of the request belongs to the Customer, but the Seller may propose a different solution from among those indicated above, within the limits set by the content of the law.
6. The customer submits a complaint by submitting a letter to the Seller by e-mail to the following
7. The Seller may refuse to replace the Product or repair it if it is impossible for the Seller to do so or would require incurring excessive costs. In this case, the Customer may change the claim. Communication is conducted electronically.
8. When requesting a reduction in the price of the Product, the Customer provides the amount by which the price is to be reduced. If the Customer's request to reduce the price of the Product is the first request submitted as part of the complaint procedure for a given Product, the Seller may offer the Customer a replacement or repair.
9. The customer may request withdrawal from the contract only if the defect of the Product is significant.
10. Marble should be properly impregnated, it must not be washed with strong detergents or in a dishwasher.

11. Over time, the surface of the marble will become duller. These processes are normal and unavoidable, as they result from use and are not subject to complaint.

12. Products made of brass patinate. The patination process, i.e. the oxidation of brass, is not subject to complaint. Brass patina is washed off with special agents intended for this material.

13. Before shipping the products under complaint, they should be cleaned with a special brass cleaner, dirty products will not be included in the complaint process, they will be sent back at the customer's expense.

14. Brass products must not be washed with agents other than those intended for brass, otherwise the complaint will not be accepted.

15. The Customer will receive information on how to consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Product complained about by the Seller.
16. In the event of a positive consideration of a complaint submitted by courier, the Seller will send a full-fledged Product (repaired or new) to the Customer immediately - within 20 working days from the moment of consideration, and if this proves impossible (e.g. out of stock) the Seller will return the equivalent of the price product paid by the customer.
17. If the complaint is not considered, the Product will be handed over or sent back to the Customer together with an opinion on the unjustification of the complaint.


1. If the Customer finds that the Product has been damaged during transport, the Customer is obliged to draw up a damage report in the presence of the courier.
2. Complaints arising from damage to the Product during transport will be considered on the basis of a damage report drawn up by the Customer and the courier.


1. The Seller has the right to refuse to accept the Product in the case of returning a damaged Product, returning it after the expiry of the allowed period or delivering an incomplete Product to the Store.
2. The Seller does not accept Products returned in COD shipments.
3. The Seller does not accept returned Products:
1. By letter

2. By registered mail,
3. By cash on delivery.
4. Only parcels of courier parcels sent to the correct correspondence address are accepted.
5. In matters not covered by this §7, the provisions of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827, as amended).


1. E-mail correspondence should be sent to the following address:
2. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, including the Act of April 23, 1964 - Civil Code, the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights, the Act of February 16, 2007. on competition and consumer protection.
3. If any of the provisions of the Regulations are considered invalid, the remaining provisions remain in force.
4. The Customer and the Seller will resolve any disputes through talks aimed at settling the disputed matter by agreement. In the event of inability to resolve the matter amicably, the court competent to settle disputes between the Customer and the Seller is the common court.
5. The Seller reserves the right to amend the content of the Regulations at any time. Amendments to the Regulations are effective from the moment they are published on the Store's website. Amendments to the Regulations do not apply to the order placed by the Customer and implemented by the Seller. The provisions of the Regulations in force at the time of placing the order shall apply to accepted orders. Amendments to the Regulations do not infringe the acquired rights of the Customers.
6. The Store Administrator takes steps to ensure the proper functioning of the Store's website, to the extent that results from the current technical knowledge and undertakes to immediately remove any irregularities reported by the Customer. The store is not responsible for disruptions in operations caused by a failure of the Internet network.
7. All photos, graphics, logos, publications and texts available in the Store are protected by the Act of February 4, 1994. on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws 1994 No. 24 item 83). It is forbidden to unlawfully copy, multiply or distribute any content posted on the Store's website.